Wednesday, October 29, 2008


While doing research on the apparent reasons that arsonists set fires, I came across an article on In this article, they speak with psychologist Joel Dvoskin, who is a member of the "American Board of Forensic Psychology" Dr. Dvoskin states that the mane motivation behind arsonist's is anger. While not always the motive, it is the leading cause. This web sight was also helpful in giving the common age range of arsonists. Many arsonists, according to the article, are teenagers between the ages of 12 and 19.
All in all this article was helpful for informing me of the basic model of arsonists.


Joe said...

Any idea why they grow out of it? Do they just move on to different crimes?

Kathryn I said...

According to the articles that I have read, many young arsonist just grow out of it. For those who don't, they will continue to set fires because it is a way to strike back,or get back at someone who has abused them.